Do I need to be diagnosed to be coached?

No, you just need to want work on the way you are in the world. ADHD manifests in various ways and these manifestations can cause problems at the same time as making you who you are. ADHD is just a name for that collection of effects You do not need to formally recognise them as ADHD, you may just need to attend to them.

You may be diagnosed with ADHD and be wondering what to do next. You may have read a lot about ADHD and be wondering whether to get diagnosed or whether you are imagining things, or you might just be curious about your life and how you got to where you are. Coaching can help with all these situations.

Many people have sub-clinical ADHD. This means they have some of the signifying symptoms of ADHD but do not cross the threshold for a formal diagnosis. To Neurotivity this is irrelevant. If you have things in your life that are causing you problems you don’t need a certificate to deal with them. 

Many people, especially people who work in a creative way, are undiagnosed with ADHD. In fact, many of them have never connected their way of being in the world with ADHD. If or when they do, it often comes as a complete revelation while also seeming very obvious. That self awareness can explain years of problems and difficulties and point to a new way forward. That’s where coaching helps.